By Adele Seitzinger

Sheep are mentioned over five hundred times in the Bible! They were used for sacrifice in the Old Testament. In theNew Testament, the Lord Jesus often spoke of them as illustration and another name for God’s chosen ones.
What a privilege it is to be a sheep in God’s pasture! The God who made us knows those that are His, just as a good shepherd knows his sheep. God provides for our every need as we learn in Psalm 23:1. God places His sheep in the best place (pasture) for them where He can continue His constant care of them (Psalm 23:4a).
Part of the shepherd’s care is to shear the sheep. If the sheep are not sheared of their wool, the weight becomes very uncomfortable for them. In this way, the sheep gives back to the shepherd one of the best gifts it can give: the production of very useful wool.
It helps me every day to know I have a Shepherd that loves me, one that I can trust for all my needs, including correction as needed (Psalm 23:4b). I can give back to God my obedience, service, and love. How marvelous to be able to say with the psalmist, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” (Psalm 23:6, ESV)
Pictured here are two bags I knitted with wool then felted and embellished. I give God the glory for them.