By Chelsae Moore

These watercolor depictions of the sun and moon employ gold and silver metallics on a black background in attempt to emulate the warm and cool shimmers of light radiating from the heavens. Artists have sought to capture and mimic their unparalleled luminosity throughout the ages, but no art form can fully mirror the intensity of the sun’s light or the brilliance of the moon’s reflection. Christ is described in Revelation as a “Lamp.” Yet, the very Creator of light — and Maker of the sun, moon, and stars that declares His glory — subjected Himself for our sake to the darkness of the manger and eventually the utter darkness of the tomb. But He did not remain in darkness. He rose again, “a light for revelation” (Luke 2:32), conquering death, and securing salvation for His people. As lovely as the celestial beacons are, one day they will no longer be needed and will pale in comparison to the light of the glory of God emanating from our Savior Jesus Christ (Revelation 21:23).
About the Artist

Chelsae Moore has her mom to thank for drilling her on famous masterpieces from the moment she could say, “Mona Lisa,” thus instilling in her a love for various art forms at an early age. Chelsae resides on Signal Mountain with her husband and two sweet kiddos. She sneaks away to her art studio to play with watercolors and practice calligraphy when the laundry and dishes are done (and sometimes when they’re not).