November 2022

Good Measure

By Jessamyn Rains

This song was written in a time when many of the people in my life were hurting, and it seemed like there wasn’t enough love to go around. And in a sense, this was true: sometimes there is a dearth of love. Sometimes love isn’t equally distributed. And sometimes, even when love is present, it just isn’t enough to heal the wounds and scars we incur in this life. 

I wonder if this was the case for the woman at the well, with whom Jesus spoke in John 4. In a sense, this woman’s shattered, ruined life was a blessing–because it primed her for an encounter with the Messiah. 

The same is true with us: when we come to the end of our human resources, we are primed for God’s supernatural provision. When we have given till it hurts, we are assured by Jesus that we will never outgive God (Luke 6:38). And when we have nothing at all to give, we are assured that we will receive if we will simply ask (Matt. 7:7).

About the Musician

Jessamyn Rains is a writer and editor for Kosmeo Magazine. She lives in Tennessee with her husband and four small children.