by Anna Eastland

Through the dark fog
of temptation and despair,
“the sun of righteousness will rise
with healing in its wings,”
breaking through the iron-clad clouds
to shine a beam of hope
upon the weary, beleaguered travelers.
They are sailing beyond the Lone Isles,
hope-driven in a dragon-shaped ship,
to the edge of the world,
to the life beyond life:
Aslan’s country.
In reading this month’s scripture passage, I had to shudder, thinking of all the evils of war that people are currently living through—the terrible injustices which will one day be righted by God. But I also pondered how the source of strife is within the human heart—we can be our own worst enemies. We are traveling in mortal bodies towards the immortal shores, and our dragonish tempers can at times cause us to despair, as the crew in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader was tempted to do in the nightmarish fog. In my poem, the line of scripture I quoted made me think of the albatross who breaks through the fog in answer to Lucy’s prayer. It is the remembrance of God’s ever-present grace and mercy which can help us carry on this worthwhile adventure of life, without being mortally burdened by our own imperfections.